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Connie Cares is a non-profit organization helping patients.

Providing compression pumps at NO COST to qualified patients. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation


We'll Cover It

Pneumatic pumps can cost up to $5,000. Many patients continue in pain because they cannot afford relief. Not anymore! Donors at our non-profit organization cover qualified patients.


You're Not Alone

“My therapist says Medicare will only cover therapy for a short period of time. What happens to me then?” We're here to assist..


We Can Help

You should know:If you have developed post-cancer lymphedema, it is progressive. Early treatment is very important. We can help!

About Us

Connie Cares was set up as a non-profit, donor-funded, organization in 2012.  The founder, after losing two family members to Breast Cancer, saw a desperate need for access to compression therapy. Everyone on our staff has either survived cancer or had a family member impacted by cancer. We are here to make a stressful time, less so.

Since our founding, we have provided thousands of pumps all over the United States, at no cost to any patient. Our process is streamlined and efficient to allow us to help you quickly.


Our committed donors and volunteers are dedicated to seeing, your qualified patients don’t have to pay for a compression pump. We are a non-profit, donor-funded organization solely committed to improving your patient’s quality of life.

How to Help:

We need volunteers to help follow up with our patients as well as work with local cancer support groups.

We work hard so that 90% of your donation goes to help provide lymphedema pumps at NO cost to patients.

Contact Us

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  • With the Connie Cares program Connie Cares covers 100% of the cost for qualified patients.
  • Lymphedema is an excess or blockage of fluid in the lymphatic system. This condition can cause painful and sometimes debilitating swelling. Simple daily tasks such as putting on shoes or clothing, even walking comfortably and sleeping can become difficult.
  • There are multiple causes of lymphedema, including but not limited to cancers and cancer treatments such as radiation, surgeries, mastectomy, lymphadenectomy. Lymphatic compression pumps and garments may also be used for wound care, varicose eczema, venous insufficiency, venous ulcers, lipedema, edema (undiagnosed), May-Thurner syndrome, and others.
  • Sequential, intermittent compression therapy may be used alone or in addition to Compression stockings and Manual Lymphatic drainage. Your medical professional will decide the course of your treatment. Compression therapy will help increase blood flow which promotes healing.   The pumps are user friendly, comfortable and quiet.
Contact us
  • Lymphedema is an excess or blockage of fluid in the lymphatic system. This condition can cause painful and sometimes debilitating swelling. Simple daily tasks such as putting on shoes or clothing, even walking comfortably and sleeping can become difficult.
  • There are multiple causes of lymphedema, including but not limited to cancers and cancer treatments such as radiation, surgeries, mastectomy, lymphadenectomy. Lymphatic compression pumps and garments may also be used for wound care, varicose eczema, venous insufficiency, venous ulcers, lipedema, edema (undiagnosed), May-Thurner syndrome, and others.
  • Sequential, intermittent compression therapy may be used alone or in addition to Compression stockings and Manual Lymphatic drainage. Your medical professional will decide the course of your treatment. Compression therapy will help increase blood flow which promotes healing.   The pumps are user friendly, comfortable and quiet.
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• No Waiting-Your patients do not have to wait an unreasonable amount of time to receive their compression pump. Connie Cares delivers and trains your patients within days.
• Reduce your administrative burden. Easy order process- by email or fax.
• We work With Medicare patients. Even Medicare patients are set up with no delay.
• Get only what you need. No minimum orders – no maximum orders.
• Do your patients call you to troubleshoot their pumps? Connie Cares trainers make sure all patients have their personal direct line for all questions.

• Are your patients telling you they can’t afford a pump because of their high deductible and co-payments? With the Connie Cares program, this is not the case. Connie Cares covers 100% of the cost for qualified patients.
• You’ll never have to wait 6 months for a patient with wound issues to get pump approval. Connie Cares will deliver a pump as soon as YOU deem it medically necessary.
• No denials because your patient’s condition is not cancer related. Connie Cares helps everyone.
• Looking for alternative pump options for your patients?  We’ll work with you to deliver the best pump for your patient’s needs.

Contact us


“Thanks so much for your patience and kindness…”

“I am so blessed to have Connie Cares come to my aid”

“I am truly with gratitude that such an organization was in reach for me”

“You got her a pump and Circaid garment. Thank you for your help!”

“Thank you for helping me get a compression pump! Not only has it helped my legs, its helped my soul and spirit”

“Thank you for the opportunity of having this beneficial machine which wouldn’t have been possible without your help.”

“It is such a blessing to have an organization like yours that is willing help when needed”

“We are grateful this non-profit exists to improve patients’ quality of life”